Um eine Lizenz zu aktualiseren, muss folgendes Formular ausgefüllt werden.
use app\assets\AppAsset; use app\assets\BranConAsset; use app\assets\CustomAsset; use mdm\admin\components\MenuHelper; use app\models\brancon\Param; AppAsset::register($this); //,hier%20eintragen%20und%20ausw%C3%A4hlen%20solltest. define('RECAPTCHA_KEY_PUBLIC', '6LfeWBIaAAAAAMrRfN6Q8wm326DhwDeTN_PbbgcO'); // Geheimer Schlüssel define('RECAPTCHA_KEY_SECRET', '6LfeWBIaAAAAAIFuoV2xnmSb_-A7c2QzvKrPciEx'); // Score-Wert define('RECAPTCHA_SCORE', 0.6); ?> <?php $this->beginPage() ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="<?= Yii::$app->language ?>">
use mdm\admin\components\MenuHelper; use app\models\brancon\Param; AppAsset::register($this); //,hier%20eintragen%20und%20ausw%C3%A4hlen%20solltest. define('RECAPTCHA_KEY_PUBLIC', '6LfeWBIaAAAAAMrRfN6Q8wm326DhwDeTN_PbbgcO'); // Geheimer Schlüssel define('RECAPTCHA_KEY_SECRET', '6LfeWBIaAAAAAIFuoV2xnmSb_-A7c2QzvKrPciEx'); // Score-Wert define('RECAPTCHA_SCORE', 0.6); ?>
*/ public function renderPhpFile($_file_, $_params_ = []) { ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(false); extract($_params_, EXTR_OVERWRITE); require($_file_); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Renders dynamic content returned by the given PHP statements.
$this->renderers[$ext] = Yii::createObject($this->renderers[$ext]); } /* @var $renderer ViewRenderer */ $renderer = $this->renderers[$ext]; $output = $renderer->render($this, $viewFile, $params); } else { $output = $this->renderPhpFile($viewFile, $params); } $this->afterRender($viewFile, $params, $output); } array_pop($this->_viewFiles); $this->context = $oldContext;
* @since 2.0.1 */ public function renderContent($content) { $layoutFile = $this->findLayoutFile($this->getView()); if ($layoutFile !== false) { return $this->getView()->renderFile($layoutFile, ['content' => $content], $this); } else { return $content; } } /**
* @return string the rendering result. * @throws InvalidParamException if the view file or the layout file does not exist. */ public function render($view, $params = []) { $content = $this->getView()->render($view, $params, $this); return $this->renderContent($content); } /** * Renders a static string by applying a layout. * @param string $content the static string being rendered * @return string the rendering result of the layout with the given static string as the `$content` variable.
'date' => date("Y-m-d"), 'sportfacility' => null, ]); } else { return $this->render('licInputForm', [ ]); } } /** * Login action. *
$args = $this->controller->bindActionParams($this, $params); Yii::trace('Running action: ' . get_class($this->controller) . '::' . $this->actionMethod . '()', __METHOD__); if (Yii::$app->requestedParams === null) { Yii::$app->requestedParams = $args; } return call_user_func_array([$this->controller, $this->actionMethod], $args); } }
} $result = null; if ($runAction && $this->beforeAction($action)) { // run the action $result = $action->runWithParams($params); $result = $this->afterAction($action, $result); // call afterAction on modules foreach ($modules as $module) { /* @var $module Module */
$parts = $this->createController($route); if (is_array($parts)) { /* @var $controller Controller */ list($controller, $actionID) = $parts; $oldController = Yii::$app->controller; Yii::$app->controller = $controller; $result = $controller->runAction($actionID, $params); if ($oldController !== null) { Yii::$app->controller = $oldController; } return $result; } else {
$params = $this->catchAll; unset($params[0]); } try { Yii::trace("Route requested: '$route'", __METHOD__); $this->requestedRoute = $route; $result = $this->runAction($route, $params); if ($result instanceof Response) { return $result; } else { $response = $this->getResponse(); if ($result !== null) { $response->data = $result;
try { $this->state = self::STATE_BEFORE_REQUEST; $this->trigger(self::EVENT_BEFORE_REQUEST); $this->state = self::STATE_HANDLING_REQUEST; $response = $this->handleRequest($this->getRequest()); $this->state = self::STATE_AFTER_REQUEST; $this->trigger(self::EVENT_AFTER_REQUEST); $this->state = self::STATE_SENDING_RESPONSE; $response->send();
$application->run(); } * */ Yii::$app->language = Yii::$app->session->get("userLang", 'en-EN'); // set Language $application->run(); } else { $configLicRequest = require(__DIR__ . '/config/webLicRequest.php'); $appLicRequest = new yii\web\Application($configLicRequest); $appLicRequest->run(); }
$_GET = [ 'any' => 'site/index', 'date' => '2025-02-04', ]; $_SESSION = [ '__flash' => [], 'userLang' => 'en-EN', 'licCode' => 'MjA4NTkzNzkyMDA=-2024NDA2MDE0NA==', 'licHolder' => 'ITC Innsbruck', 'licValidTill' => 1738281600, 'licValidTillDateFormat' => '2025-01-31', 'licencedSportFacilities' => 2, 'licencedCourts' => 6, 'arrSportFacility' => [], 'calendarDesign' => 'def', 'initDone' => true, ];